Taiwan electric automobile

Vineri, 7 Martie 2025
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Taiwan electric automobile

Electric car for urban transportation

Automobile electrice oras This is a cool and trendy urban automobile. Do hope the Taiwanese can export a few units to the shore of Malaysia for our Bolihians to test ride them in downtown Kuala Lumpur. Maybe we can also convince our Mat Rempits to switch from their traditional two wheel cubchai into the trendy 3 wheels Ecooter. Our roads will be definitely safer with less Mat Rempits riding cubchais roaming on the roads like wondering hungry ghosts.

Come to think of it, we could have made use of Augusta SpA to conduct research and manufacture this type of eco friendly, petrol free, and battery operated 2 seater urban transportation vehicles. We could even sponsor the whole crew of Soyuz to send our invention to outer space for microgravity test ! Too bad, we sold Augusta SpA to Italy's Gevi SPA for a token sum of one euro..... Well, I think I am suffering from Avian flu already – I am beginning to talk like a cock !

Taiwan's Hsinchu-based Industrial Technology Research Institute unveiled yesterday a new "concept" model of an ecology-friendly "Ecooter" electric two-person vehicle aimed at providing a safe and energy-saving urban transportation option. The 2.5 meter long and 1.5 meter high vehicle, is based on a four-wheel diamond chassis system that can swivel 360 degrees on a radius of 1.2 meters and has an auto-tilting system that allows it to safely take sharp turns in city streets without the risk of rolling over. Besides the usual steering wheel and gas and break pedals, the driver's system also offers a head-up display, LED headlights and taillights, wireless communications and navigation, rear view cameras and other safety features. Power is provided by a highly efficient lithium battery that will offer approximately 100 kilometers of driving for each charge.

Source: Taiping Coffee Blog
07/06/2008 - Acest articol a fost citit de 3953 ori Recomanda
 Nota acordata: 1 (data de 110 vizitatori)
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Noua BSP41 pentru identificarea simplă a tablourilor electrice

imprimanta idenficare tablouri electrice
Firele, cablurile și componentele identificate corect vă oferă imediat o imagine clară privind modul de funcționare și de conectare a unui tablou electric.

Tablourile electrice pot fi identificate acum mai eficient cu noua imprimantă de identificare a firelor și tablourilor BSP41.

Identificați toate blocurile terminale

Noua imprimantă de identificare a firelor și tablourilor BSP41 poate imprima pe etichete de identificare rigide pentru toate mărcile majore de blocuri terminale și componente pentru tablouri electrice. Cu BSP41, constructorii de tablouri nu mai au nevoie de câte o imprimantă de etichete rigide pentru fiecare marcă utilizată. Brady Corporation oferă o listă de mărci de blocuri terminale care au fost testate în privința compatibilității cu noua BSP41.

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